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The Mission of Healing Hearts Balkans

Our mission from the beginning has always been one of changing the world one heart at a time. By sharing the Light and Love of God with the world, we are doing our part to make the world a better place. During these times of uncertainty, each one of us needs more than ever to do whatever is necessary to help those in need.

Summer News from Healing Hearts Balkans, 2018

Summer News from Healing Hearts Balkans, 2018

Our latest humanitarian trip to Germany, Poland, Hungary, and Serbia was very fruitful with lots of aid given out along with the Word of God that was distributed to those desiring a handy pocket-sized version of the New Testament that they can take with them everywhere. Thanks to all of you who helped to make […]

Winter Shoes and Other Aid for Refugees in the Balkans

Winter Shoes and Other Aid for Refugees in the Balkans

We had worked with refugees from the Balkan wars of the 90’s for over 20 years in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Serbia, but this latest flood of refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries of the Mideast and Africa was on a level that we had never experienced before.

Latest News

Latest News

Healing Hearts Balkans publishes a quarterly newsletter to let all our partners and friends know what we have been up to over the previous few months. We invite you to take a look. Please fill up the contact form if you would like our news delivered directly to your Inbox as soon as it comes out.

Ministering to Refugees in Southern Europe

Ministering to Refugees in Southern Europe

In our continuing effort to relieve the suffering of the thousands of refugees that are crossing through southern Europe from the Mideast and Africa in an attempt to enter the EU, we have had the opportunity to volunteer with a Slovenian charity that is helping to run a refugee transit center that can hold up to 5,000 refugees at one time.