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Aid Distribution in Southern Europe

Aid Distribution in Southern Europe

As the temperatures of spring began to increase, so did the waves of new refugees that were attempting to reach Europe from the Mideast and Africa. We are thankful that we were able to once again be God’s hands of supply to so many!

Merry Christmas from Healing Hearts Balkans!

Merry Christmas from Healing Hearts Balkans!

We wish you all a blessed and happy New Year 2017! Healing Hearts Balkans is fully supported by your donations. We invite you to click on the “How You Can Help” tab and give what you can to assist us in aiding others throughout 2017. Thank you!

Winter Shoes and Other Aid for Refugees in the Balkans

Winter Shoes and Other Aid for Refugees in the Balkans

We had worked with refugees from the Balkan wars of the 90’s for over 20 years in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Serbia, but this latest flood of refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries of the Mideast and Africa was on a level that we had never experienced before.

Latest News

Latest News

Healing Hearts Balkans publishes a quarterly newsletter to let all our partners and friends know what we have been up to over the previous few months. We invite you to take a look. Please fill up the contact form if you would like our news delivered directly to your Inbox as soon as it comes out.

Christmas with the Refugees

Christmas with the Refugees

This Christmas has been a very special time for us, as we have been able to share the reason for the holiday season with refugees from the Mideast and Africa.

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