In Luke 14:16–24, Jesus told the parable about a man who “gave a great banquet and invited many” and he sent his servant to “Go out quickly to the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor and crippled and blind and lame” to attend his feast. Anna and I would often […]
As proven by Patch Adams in his ground-breaking work with children in cancer wards, music and laughter have a very positive therapeutic and healing effect. Our Healing Hearts Balkans volunteers are professionals in this area, using music therapy regularly in our work with children-at-risk.
Healing Hearts Balkans hosts and stages a variety of workshops and training seminars for youth and adults alike. The expertise gained from over 17 years in the volatile region of the former Yugoslavia has equipped us to transfer that knowledge and ability to others, so that they too can help to change their part of the world.
Building the character of the next generation is what will have the greatest impact on an area that has suffered from war, political turmoil, and ethnic strife. The need to teach young children such extremely important life-virtues such as honesty, faithfulness, kindness, unselfishness, and teamwork is the goal of Healing Hearts Balkans book printing and […]
One of the greatest and most difficult questions facing Europe is that of the Roma people. The decade 2005-2015 has been deemed the “Decade of Roma Inclusion”. Since its inception in 1995, Healing Hearts Balkans has been whole-heartedly doing its part to improve the lives of the Roma community in a number of ways. Serbia […]