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Loving Those in Need

In Luke 14:16–24, Jesus told the parable about a man who “gave a great banquet and invited many” and he sent his servant to “Go out quickly to the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor and crippled and blind and lame” to attend his feast. Anna and I would often […]

Press Release: “Healing Hearts Balkans Assisting Ukrainian Refugees”

Press Release: “Healing Hearts Balkans Assisting Ukrainian Refugees”

With over 25 years of experience in Slovenia, Bosnia/Hercegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Kosovo since 1995, our volunteers are well-suited to assist these…

My Search for Buried Treasure

My Search for Buried Treasure

My search took me out of my native country, and soon I was traveling all over Scandinavia looking for answers, looking for satisfaction, looking for my buried treasure.

Our Heavenly Insurance is Full Kasko

As missionaries, our heavenly insurance is full kasko! Following are just some of the things our Heavenly Father protects us from: Rioting protection: We were in Hyderabad, Pakistan as part of our mission to the Indian subcontinent when the mayor of the city was reportedly killed and violence broke out between his supporters and the […]

Faith to Endure

Now with winter fully come, it’s interesting to take a moment to watch the different skiing competitions that are taking place. I was listening to one of the cross-country athletes tell how difficult her training had been and how she had to endure such stress and pain in order to reach the top level required […]

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